Mad About Writing
every book has a backstory
Two-for-one writers? We must be mad.
In each episode, author, editor, and podcast host Luanne Smith will introduce you to two well-established writers, then turn the conversation loose.

You want raw shoptalk? We’ve got it.

We give you the audacious, unadulterated stories behind the book flaps.
How do you take your writers?
We'll have interviews for you in four forms. Until then, here are recent titles from Madville.
Let Me Say This: A Dolly Parton Poetry Anthology Edited by Julie E. Bloemeke & Dustin Brookshire
Launched January 19, 2023. Happy Birthday, Dolly! Let Me Say This: A Dolly Parton Poetry Anthology offers…
Gravity Hill by Susanne Davis
Gravity Hill is a story about Jordan Hawkins, her family, and a small rural town in…
The Dog Years of Reeducation by Jianqing Zheng
About The Dog Years of Reeducation: Poems by Jianqing Zheng: In the Chinese Cultural Revolution, millions of…
Biggest Little Girl by Jodi Angel Coming March 21 2023
In Biggest Little Girl, 14-year-old Joey has run away from home in smalltown California in search…
Before All Who Have Ever Seen This Disappear by Michael Gills Coming March 21, 2023
Before All Who Have Ever Seen This Disappear, Michael Gills’ fifth novel, plumbs the depths…
The Green Mage: The First Chronicle of Tessia Dragonqueen by Michael Simms Coming March 21, 2023
The Green Mage is a tale in the finest of sword and sorcery tradition—a hero’s journey…
What a Wonderful World This Could Be by by Lee Zacharias
What Alex, illegitimate daughter of an alcoholic novelist and an artist, has always wanted is…
Turbulence & Fluids: poems by karla. k. morton Coming April 18, 2023.
Immediately in karla morton’s poetry collection, Turbulence & Fluids, the tables are turned as the waters…
Maddening facts
Or why you have to be crazy
Percentage of journal submissions rejected
Percentage of books that are self-published
Percentage of books that never earn back their advance
Percentage of students smart enough not to major in creative writing